Friday, July 16, 2010

A Thought.

"The thing is, I really like saying yes. I like new things, projects, plans, getting people together and doing something, trying something, even when it's corny or stupid. I am not good at saying no. And I do not get along with people who say no. When you die, you will not be happy about having said no. You will be kicking your ass about all the no's you've said. No to that opportunity, or no to that trip to Nova Scotia or no to that night out, or no to that project or no to that person who wants to be naked with you but you worry about what your friends will say. No is for wimps. No is for pussies. No is to live small and embittered, cherishing the opportunities you missed because they might have sent the wrong message." - Dave Eggers


Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Black and White

One Month

I can't wait for one month to pass so I can always wear whatever the fuck I want.


White Bed...

Loving this.

Hallie Parker?


Sea of Shoes

Voltaire, Hair.

Ironic Reality

Pretty powerful.

Old Favorite

I Miss Polaroids

And this girl.
But I recently read that they are saving the polaroid camera from extinction! I will for sure be early on buying that. I'm siked.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Sally Mann

Sally Mann has always inspired me. Both her pictures and her children are absolutely stunning.

Vocabulaire Français

I have successfully finished five years of Spanish and have decided I never want to take it again. Rather, I want to immerse myself in the French culture and everything it has to offer. I have become embarrassingly obsessed with french words, to the point that I have the google translator on my bookmark menu. I can't wait to take it in college; I think it is the most beautiful and elegant language I have ever heard. If this is boring, I apologize.


Tan - Bronzage
January - Janvier
Dog - Chien
Tuesday - Mardi
Wednesday - Mercredi
Apple - Pomme
Banana - Banane
House - Maison
Night - Nuit
Green - Vert
Blue - Bleu
Red - Rouge
Yellow - Jaune
Bicycle - Vélo
Boat - Bateau

I'm a loser.

The absolute cutest. And I have that keychain!


Need to need to need to get this through my head.

To get away

I would like one of these for myself.

Good Morning

Wake up, blog?

I think I want my next series of pictures to take place in a white bed.

Took Anna out for some pictures. Rather spontaneously. Want to keep working on this idea.

Favorites at the moment ^


This. I need this. I can hardly wait.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


So new to this whole blogging thing, but always, always wanted to try it. Just never found the crazy little thing called time. I think I'm mainly going to use it to share pictures that I take, or find inspiring. Fashion, that I admire. Music that I like. I also want to start keeping track of vocabulary I don't know. So I'll probably post the words here. I might explain my posts or I might not. We'll see.